On Sunday, March 3rd, Denver Snuffer will be giving a talk entitled, “Signs Follow Faith.”
This will mark the first time in over 4 years that Denver has planned and organized his own speaking engagement. He has spoken many other times at conferences and gatherings, but has always done so at somebody else’s invitation. This talk, however, was not organized by someone else.
Denver has indicated that this talk is intended to restore and encourage hope in the restoration of the gospel, and in God’s continuing work. He has made a point to extend the invitation to all who have an interest in the restoration begun by Joseph Smith. Because this seems particularly significant, I am extending the invitation here, as well.
Even if you disagree, in fact, particularly if you disagree with Denver Snuffer, I encourage you to come see for yourself exactly what he teaches and how he teaches it. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, I suspect this talk will be memorable and enlightening.
You can find the recording of the talk at this link.
Scroll down to Papers and Talks, and look for Signs Follow Faith, Centerville, UT.
Do you know if it will be streamed live?
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know, it will not. I do believe a recording will be made available at some point.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what's on Denvers mind?
ReplyDeleteWe'll find out soon enough!
DeleteDidn't Denver organize his own talk in Atlanta just 15 months ago?
ReplyDeleteFair point, though that was a bit different because it was the work of a rather sizable group/committee who organized a series of talks, as well as a website and a series of videos. It was the group who found the venues, organized the talks, publicized them, etc. But your point is taken that it was Denver who gathered the group for the purpose of organizing that series.
DeleteI just read through the notes. It seemed more like a self testimony of his role and then at the end states we are on our own. Honestly I don’t get the fascination with this guy. He bears no fruit.
ReplyDeleteI actually enjoyed listening to this. Denver's message is good on the premise, but he contradicts his own message throughout this talk. He ought to listen to his own message at around the 27:25 mark.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe Denver is Evil. I just believe he is mislead.
If you're talking with God and you know it is God, why would you argue with Him? "I disagree with, I argue with and provide my best advice and council" to God "when I honestly think something is not right, or I'm asked to do something" Wow! Why would you question Him or think something is honestly not right to the One who is ALL-KNOWING. Strange language for someone who says "I am nothing, I fear God and pray continually"
Even the utterance of "Offering advice and council" to God echoes of a self image that does not match the words of his humility as a true servant of God. I've never read or heard anything like it from someone professing to be a chosen servant of God.
“seek not to counsel the Lord, but to take counsel from his hand.” Jacob 4:10
Moses and the Golden Calf. Abraham and Sodom. The Lord of the Vineyard and the servant in Zenos’s allegory. These are three examples off the top of my head when the Lord has announced His intention, and His earthly servant has successfully convinced Him to change His mind.
DeleteIf our God is a fearsome dictator, then yes, argument is both ill-advised and impossible. If, on the other hand, our God is a father motivated by love, and our savior is a man who will speak in plain humility as one man speaks to another, then discussion is certainly on the table.
Come, let us reason together, He said…
Pleading with the Lord for a change or for people here or there, asking questions for better understanding is one thing but offering advice and counsel to the Lord after reading the allegory "counsel me not" or the earlier mentioned "seek not to counsel the Lord but to take counsel" is not in harmony with Denvers words or attitude. And to honestly believe the Lord is wrong on a matter is telling.
ReplyDeleteHe bashes the leaders and in the next sentence says we need to come together and stop dividing.
Denver, humble yourself and return. We are a forgiving people. There is an institution and we aren't on our own if we choose on the one hand to not harden our hearts and be brought down by the captivity and power of the evil one.
At this point, you are truly just playing a game of semantics. Whether it is the LDS church asking God to change his mind about Africans and the priesthood, or Joseph Smith asking God to let him give the 116 pages to Martin Harris, or Jonah fleeing his mission, the point is that people sometimes disagree with God and wish things were different. They may even ask for things to be different, and give their reasons why, in an attempt to convince God. The LDS church recently changed the temple ceremony (again.) Was God wrong about the ceremony until a month ago?
DeleteDidn’t even the Savior, in His moment of extremity, ask God to change the plan and remove the cup?
I daresay everyone who believes in God has asked God to change his mind, which implies disagreement with God. I certainly have, and I bet you have too.
You act surprised to hear Denver has done the same. And yet, Denver has mentioned this time and time again in his public talks. He even speaks of arguing in FAVOR of LDS doctrine, against what the Lord was asking him to do. And yet, the Lord patiently and continually testified and taught the truth of the matter. Denver mentioned this at least 3 times in the 40 Years in Mormonism talk series.
It’s clear you’re not very familiar with what Denver teaches, yet you call him to repentance. I think that behavior is far more telling than Denver publicly mentioning his discussions with the Lord. You also assume you know the content of those discussions, the outcomes, and the correct way to characterize discussions to which you were not a party. Denver attempting to change the Lord’s mind is, in your estimation, wrong, yet your own attempts to do the same are justified?
Your direction for Denver to humble himself rings both hollow and ironic.
DeleteI do understand what are saying, however it doesn't fit with the examples in scripture of a true servant. A humble servant doesn't always want what God wills, and will often plead for or seek for things of their own will or try to avoid the uncomfortable that comes with doing God's will. That is not uncommon and I've done it for sure many of times. The difference is that Denver actually admits that he believes that God is wrong! Perhaps he believes God is pointing or leading in a direction to see if Denver will interject his will, as a growing experience as perhaps was done in the allegory of the olive tree between the servant and the Lord of the vineyard with regards to hewing down the trees and casting them into the vineyard but with Denver's own words we get a glimpse I believe of what he truly believes of himself, even though he often will claim he is not anything special, but in his own words, he honestly believes that God is wrong and he is right. I can't comprehend it. Even if you truly believe that at times, to say it is a whole other level of pride I've never seen before for someone claiming what he is claiming (while at the same time not claiming he's anything either). Regardless, of the content of the conversation, if it is GOD speaking and you KNOW it, why would you believe HE is wrong? Perhaps it's not God he's been speaking with?
No, I don't know all of his teachings. As I've mentioned before, I have not purchased any of his books. I believe that would be supporting priest craft. If they were important for the world, they would be available digitally. The opponents of the Church often cry fowl for transparency. I'd like to see how much Denver has profited from his books.
I have read plenty of his writings that are available online and listened to much as well as his blog. I've found too many errors and incorrect interpretations beyond the obvious to know that he is not a prophet or chosen servant.
One thing I find interesting about the "remnant" movement, is the emphasis on the condemnation upon the church due to treating the Book of Mormon lightly, "not only to say but to do"... And yet all that I see the remnant movement doing with the Book of Mormon is talk. Has the remnant been fulfilling Book of Mormon prophecy to share the Book of Mormon with all the world? Has the RM printed and distributed copies to anyone? Is there any RM missionary work even happening, or is it all focused on reclaiming us lost, ignorant and blind sheep from the church? Of the billions of people on the Earth, what is the RM or Denver doing that is sharing the faith to the world (other than a talk in a few cities to a few hundred people)? A true leader leads. Has Denver spoken on this? Has he shared a vision for what needs to be done and how to do it?
I'm not looking for any signs, just fulfillment of scriptural prophecy in the Book of Mormon. The only signs I see him and the RM fulfilling are those among the Gentiles who are gathered together to fight against the Lamb of God and his saints who are scattered upon all the earth.
DeleteThe more you try to press the point, the more you reveal your ignorance of what Denver teaches and does. You are commenting on your own assumptions, driven by what's in your heart, and not on any actual reality. The only reason I’ve chosen to publish your misinformed comments is to serve as an educational tool for those with genuine questions, or who may be suffering from similar, false assumptions.
Addressing everything you’ve written would be extremely lengthy and unnecessary, so I’ll just address a few of your more egregious errors.
Priestcraft: Denver has publicly, repeatedly addressed the issue of charging money for books, and the reasons are not what you assume—but I don’t even have space to go into them here. Go research them if you’re interested. This much I’ll say: Denver does not profit a single dime from his books, and all proceeds are donated to the needy. Further he spends his own money to travel, rent venues and give talks, and refuses to accept donations. He teaches that discipleship should cost us something in sacrifice, and he lives what he teaches. Of the millions of words he has written and taught, the vast majority are available at no charge, and provided by the sacrifice of those who build and maintain websites and resources to benefit the world for free. There goes your priestcraft argument.
And oddly, you’ve only associated priestcraft with money, and not with the Book of Mormon definition: “that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world, but they seek not the welfare of Zion.” Then you accuse him of not setting himself up for a light when you accuse him of not being a true leader. This is illogical. As for leading, Denver has consistently refused to be a leader, and as far as I'm aware, his only activities have been as a teacher and minister. All the initiatives undertaken thus far in the remnant movement have been the work of others. If you think Denver is attempting to be a leader, you are quite misinformed. If you think he should seek to be one, you do not understand priestcraft.
Next, to the accusation that the remnant movement is not doing anything with the Book of Mormon except talking, you need to know two things. First, this movement is the only group that has ever formally accepted the Book of Mormon as a covenant, since it was first published in 1830. That matters a great deal. Second, the remnant movement has recently recovered and published the most correct version of the Book of Mormon text ever, which took thousands of hours of volunteer labor to produce. It is printed and available in book form, and it is available for free online. Your accusation that it’s all talk is so hollow as to be vacuous, and an insult to the volunteers who have spent thousands of hours in sacrifice to bless the world. Again, volumes could be written about the work you so ignorantly dismiss and mock.
Finally as to “missionary work,” as you define it, you are quite unaware of the work taking place both publicly and behind the scenes, nor are you aware of what “missionary work” actually requires. But this is not surprising, as you are unaware of so much else about this movement. You should not so readily assume you know what you do not, as you ironically lecture about true humility. Prophecy is being fulfilled in ways you have not even begun to consider, by those you accuse and revile.
In closing, if you are interested in gaining a correct understanding, and filling in the gaps in your knowledge, I’d be glad to talk to you personally. If you’re only interested in creating false assumptions and criticizing what you know little about, you’re likely in the wrong place.
I tend to agree with RoJ. Why would anyone honestly believe the Lord is wrong? Wanting a different outcome isn't the same as believing that what the Lord is asking is wrong. Ironic for sure. I believe the Lord changes what he requests, at times as a result of our faith and other times because it is his will. You seem to conclude that the changes in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints were dictated to the Lord. If you believe that, then I understand why his comments don't ring an alarm for his followers.